Radio Garden - Interactive globe with worldwide radio stations

Don't you want to start the day with the same playlist or the radio station with the same rotation? Then could Radio Garden provide the right variety! The website and app offer a world map that works on computers, tablets and smartphones, on which thousands of radio stations are pinned. Do you want to get an impression of the radio in Norway or are you looking for the station that caught your eye on your vacation in India? Do you want to start the day with Galaxy FM from Kampala, Uganda or hear what is currently being played in Tokyo? This link takes you directly to the digital radio globe.

Listen to the radio worldwide with Radio Garden

The free “Radio Garden” service comes from Amsterdam and has been accessible via an app since 2018. You can do this for free for iOS as well as most for Android download. The advantage over the website is that you can keep the music playing even when the display is switched off. In addition, the mobile management of favorites and search queries is probably easier. This can also be done on the website.

Just press / click on play and you will hear a radio station on Radio Garden. Then you can navigate to all countries, create favorites and more.
Just press / click on play and you will hear a radio station on Radio Garden. Then you can navigate to all countries, create favorites and more.

In the test on the iPhone and MacBook Pro, everything worked great. I could turn the globe, zoom in, zoom out, align the viewfinder with a city or simply click on the desired location. In the individual cities, station lists could also be unfolded to view all stations. This makes selecting a station even easier than just using the card. You don't need an account to create favorites. If your favorite station is not yet represented, you can even submit it as a proposal. When skimming the map, the current station can be set so that it does not change constantly.

Get to know new countries, cultures, languages ​​and more - in lockdown this is possible, for example, via Radio Garden.
Get to know new countries, cultures, languages ​​and more - in lockdown this is possible, for example, via Radio Garden.

More than just listening to the radio: news, air and other radio communications

If you click on a location or position the viewfinder above it, you will not only see the city and country name. A radio station will start immediately and the local time will be displayed. This makes it easier to estimate when the next messages will run (full and / or half hours). The news can be used to get to know the city, the region, the country and, last but not least, the local language. If you want to take a tour of the city, you might come with us Drive & Listen find what you are looking for;)

In New York City (but also, for example, in Tokyo), in addition to radio stations, I was given a choice of airport radio traffic.
In New York City (but also, for example, in Tokyo), in addition to radio stations, I was given a choice of airport radio traffic.

In addition to radio stations, the favorites function, some settings for the radio garden and so on, there are a few surprises. For example, when I clicked through the list of radio stations in New York City, I noticed that you can also listen to radio traffic from John F. Kennedy International Airport there. In Los Angeles there is also a radio channel called "South Bay Police, Fire, Sheriff". I don't know if that has anything to do with the freedom of information in the US, but there you seem to be able to overhear a lot of radio traffic: D

In Los Angeles you can overhear radio messages from the police or fire department headquarters.
In Los Angeles you can overhear radio messages from the police or fire department headquarters.

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1 comment on "Radio Garden - Interactive globe with worldwide radio stations"

  1. I was listening to Hana Community Radio from Hawaii, but for some reason the station is no longer available to me.
    An admin of KOKO told me that while he has some difficulties with the Radio Garden app, he can use the search bar to find stations. It doesn't work for me, and KOKO Radio no longer shows up on the world map, even though the other Hawaiian stations are there (and all are available).
    I am in Spain and I would like to solve this problem if it is possible.

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